About Bill

Chervil's Bill (8 Weeks)

Chervil's Bill (8 Weeks: Dad)

Chervil's Bill(16 Weeks)

Bill is a dog used for all types of hunting, from large hunts on the Funen estates to small cozy hunts.
From today 1 he has been easy to train, and he is a dog that just might work and continue to do so, his game sense is also extremely large and has a trainable are incredibly nice and easy.
He is also a very good and wonderful family, where both can be inde and dog kennel. And when we recently, got a little grandson in the family, he has been very sweet to her and selvfølig other children.
He has a very nice temperament, and a lovely psyche,and he can so that nem nothing, associate with other dogs in all ways.

Chervil's Bill, when he became 5 winner at Rughårsprøven on lolland.

Chervil's Bill, when he wins Rigs sample in Sweden.
Chervil's Bill, when he becomes BOB, BIS 2 on show in fredericia.

Permanent link to this article: http://fasterlunds.dk/om-bill,en